Category Archives: flooding

The Importance of Electrical Inspections Before Hurricane Season

As the summer approaches, so does the potential for severe weather, especially hurricanes. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, bringing with it the risk of strong winds, heavy rainfall, and flooding. These conditions can pose significant threats to your home’s electrical system, making it crucial to ensure everything is in top shape before the storms hit. Here’s why scheduling a professional electrical inspection before hurricane season is essential.

1. Identifying Vulnerabilities
A thorough electrical inspection can reveal potential vulnerabilities in your system that might not be apparent to the untrained eye. Loose connections, outdated wiring, and faulty components can become major hazards during a hurricane. Identifying and addressing these issues beforehand can prevent electrical fires, power outages, and other dangerous situations when the storm arrives.

2. Ensuring Backup Power Systems are Ready
Many homeowners rely on generators for backup power during hurricanes. An electrical inspection can verify that your generator is correctly installed and in good working condition. This includes checking the transfer switch, fuel supply, and overall functionality to ensure it will perform when you need it most.

3. Preventing Power Surges
Hurricanes often cause power surges that can damage appliances and electronics. An electrician can install or inspect surge protectors to shield your valuable equipment from sudden voltage spikes. This preventative measure can save you from costly replacements and repairs after a storm.

4. Checking Grounding and Bonding
Proper grounding and bonding are critical for electrical safety, especially during a storm. An inspection will ensure that your home’s electrical system is properly grounded, reducing the risk of electric shock and enhancing the overall stability of your electrical system during adverse conditions.

5. Safeguarding Against Flooding
Hurricanes can bring heavy rains and flooding, which can severely impact your electrical system. An inspection can identify areas at risk of water intrusion and recommend solutions, such as elevating electrical panels, outlets, and wiring above potential flood levels. Additionally, installing ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) can protect against electric shock in wet areas.

6. Peace of Mind
Perhaps most importantly, a professional electrical inspection provides peace of mind. Knowing that your home’s electrical system is prepared for hurricane season allows you to focus on other aspects of storm preparation and ensures the safety of your family.

As hurricane season approaches, don’t leave the safety and reliability of your home’s electrical system to chance. Scheduling a professional electrical inspection can identify potential hazards, ensure your backup power systems are ready, prevent damage from power surges, and safeguard against flooding. Taking these proactive steps not only protects your property but also provides invaluable peace of mind as you face the uncertainties of hurricane season.

Flooding Can Wipe Out Your Electrical System

After a largely nonexistent winter, the spring storm season is upon us. Mid-Maryland homes and businesses have seen some devastating floods in recent years. Downtown and other parts of Frederick have flooded several times, and Ellicott City saw devastating floods two years in a row in 2017 and 2018.

Unfortunately, most electrical components that have been underwater for even a brief time need to be replaced. This includes wiring, circuit breaker panels, and fuse boxes, also receptacles, switches, and light fixtures. Once mineral deposits and resultant corrosion get a foothold, the damage keeps on going. Corroded electrical equipment can present a significant fire hazard.

Before you enter a flooded business or home, have a licensed electrician and utility personnel check to make sure the building is safe from shock and electrocution risks. This could also involve removing the electric meter or circuit breaker panel. Although you may be comfortable replacing receptacles, switches, and lights, these are only part of a larger project after a flood. The serving electric utility’s further assistance is also often needed. The utilities will disconnect power in an emergency, but they generally require an electrical permit and an inspection to reconnect power to a building. Safety always must come first.

Frequently, recovering from a flood includes replacing drywall, sheetrock, ceiling tiles, insulation, and flooring, in addition to the electrical infrastructure. Remember, it’s easier to rewire a building or a home when walls and ceilings are open. Gutting and rebuilding also gives you the opportunity to add more needed receptacles and put them in new locations, for example higher on the walls, above the 100-year flood level. This way you can cut down on future repairs, as we’ve seen our fair share of “100-year” weather events. Higher receptacles are also handy for setting up charging stations for all of your employees’ devices. We can install receptacles that include USB ports for device chargers.

Replacing receptacles and switches can also allow you to upgrade to more sophisticated technology that can be controlled anywhere with a tablet or smartphone. Don’t forget energy-saving occupancy sensors and timers. Several platforms and systems are currently available.

It might also be a good time to consider installing a permanent standby or backup generator to protect against power outages.

But it all starts with a phone call to a qualified, licensed electrician and Generac factory-certified generator technician. Little Sparkie Electric stands ready to help in spite of the Coronavirus. We’ll take all necessary precautions to keep you, your employees, and your family safe, while we help make your home or workplace safe.