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The Importance of Electrical Inspections Before Hurricane Season

As the summer approaches, so does the potential for severe weather, especially hurricanes. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, bringing with it the risk of strong winds, heavy rainfall, and flooding. These conditions can pose significant threats to your home’s electrical system, making it crucial to ensure everything is in top shape before the storms hit. Here’s why scheduling a professional electrical inspection before hurricane season is essential.

1. Identifying Vulnerabilities
A thorough electrical inspection can reveal potential vulnerabilities in your system that might not be apparent to the untrained eye. Loose connections, outdated wiring, and faulty components can become major hazards during a hurricane. Identifying and addressing these issues beforehand can prevent electrical fires, power outages, and other dangerous situations when the storm arrives.

2. Ensuring Backup Power Systems are Ready
Many homeowners rely on generators for backup power during hurricanes. An electrical inspection can verify that your generator is correctly installed and in good working condition. This includes checking the transfer switch, fuel supply, and overall functionality to ensure it will perform when you need it most.

3. Preventing Power Surges
Hurricanes often cause power surges that can damage appliances and electronics. An electrician can install or inspect surge protectors to shield your valuable equipment from sudden voltage spikes. This preventative measure can save you from costly replacements and repairs after a storm.

4. Checking Grounding and Bonding
Proper grounding and bonding are critical for electrical safety, especially during a storm. An inspection will ensure that your home’s electrical system is properly grounded, reducing the risk of electric shock and enhancing the overall stability of your electrical system during adverse conditions.

5. Safeguarding Against Flooding
Hurricanes can bring heavy rains and flooding, which can severely impact your electrical system. An inspection can identify areas at risk of water intrusion and recommend solutions, such as elevating electrical panels, outlets, and wiring above potential flood levels. Additionally, installing ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) can protect against electric shock in wet areas.

6. Peace of Mind
Perhaps most importantly, a professional electrical inspection provides peace of mind. Knowing that your home’s electrical system is prepared for hurricane season allows you to focus on other aspects of storm preparation and ensures the safety of your family.

As hurricane season approaches, don’t leave the safety and reliability of your home’s electrical system to chance. Scheduling a professional electrical inspection can identify potential hazards, ensure your backup power systems are ready, prevent damage from power surges, and safeguard against flooding. Taking these proactive steps not only protects your property but also provides invaluable peace of mind as you face the uncertainties of hurricane season.


Celebrating Nine Years in Business!

Nine-YearsNew Year’s Day 2016 marked the 9th anniversary in business for Little Sparkie Electric! It’s hard to believe. Time flies when you’re having fun, as the saying goes! We are excited to reach such a milestone, and we want to say a huge THANK YOU!! first and foremost to our customers, who are the biggest factor in our success. We also want to acknowledge our suppliers, fellow contractors, vendors, and advisors, who play important roles in helping us get the job done and keeping our house in order. All of you are the best, and we look forward to many more years of working together. We couldn’t do it without you all.

Catherine (aka Little Sparkie) has maintained her Commercial Level II certification from Generac Power Systems, which qualifies her to sell, install, and service larger generator units up to 150 kW as well as smaller units and all residential ones.

She has also participated in seminars on PV (solar) system installation, data and communications wiring, fire alarm installation, and up-to-date information on workplace safety and personal protection equipment for electrical contractors and their employees. The latest in lighting technology and lighting controls are also a big emphasis. Ongoing learning is always a priority with the company.

More Home Fires Occur in Winter

Home-FireWith winter’s coldest months upon us, we ask that people be aware of electrical fire hazards.

In an average year, heating is the cause of 17 percent of structure fires; however, in winter, especially during the coldest months, heating fires jump to 27 percent of structure fires, according to the U.S. Fire Administration.

Recognize Signs of Trouble

Be alert and learn to recognize signs of electrical trouble waiting to happen. Some warning signs that could lead to an electrical fire are:

  • Lights flicker for no apparent reason
  • You wiggle a switch and it feels “floppy” in your hand and/or the lights flicker or go on and off
  • The light switch doesn’t turn the lights on or – even worse – won’t turn them off
  • An unusual smell
  • Discolored receptacles, switches or other electrical devices
  • Sparks or noises (especially like “frying eggs)
  • Frayed wires or loose connections
  • Overloaded outlets, extension cords or surge protectors
  • Circuit breakers trip – and be especially concerned if they won’t reset!

If you see any of these signs of electrical problems, call an electrician immediately. A qualified electrician can identify possible causes, such as short or overloaded circuits, improperly-rated fuses and breakers, and not having ground-fault protection where it’s needed to protect against shock hazards.

Little Sparkie Electric offers safety checks as part of our services, and we see scary things just about every day. We check circuit breakers and wire connections, look for deterioration and corrosion, run tests to help ensure that electrical equipment is functioning correctly, and make recommendations to help ensure safety.

And you should always check to make sure your smoke alarms are working; we also install hard-wired alarms to comply with local electrical codes.

Winter Storms Can Cause Extra Hazards

Winter storms such as those the Eastern Seaboard has experienced in recent years, can cause additional hazards. These include:

  • Alternative heating devices such as space heaters, being used incorrectly.
  • Damaged or downed utility lines.
  • Water damaged appliances and utilities can be electrically charged.
  • Frozen water pipes can burst and cause safety hazards.
  • Leaking gas lines, damaged or leaking gas propane containers, and leaking vehicle gas tanks may explode or ignite.
  • Generators are often used during power outages, but if they’re not properly used and maintained they can be hazardous.

We always advise people to always follow manufacturers’ instructions and guidelines. Always use a generator or other fuel-powered machines outside of the home in a well-ventilated location, as carbon monoxide fumes are odorless and can quickly overwhelm you indoors.


Generators and Extended Power Outages

Power-GeneratorRemember the summer of 2012? One 20-minute storm at the beginning of July knocked out electricity to homes and businesses all over the region. Although most customers had their power restored within a week, some customers were without power for more like a month. And then there was Super Hurricane Sandy that same year, in the fall, and there it went again, only worse.

It really hits home how much we depend on electricity when we are without it for an extended period of time. So many homes and businesses are equipped with backup power.

Some have portable generators that can handle a few smaller loads that can be plugged in, such as a refrigerator, a freezer, a microwave oven or a lamp. Some have portables that are paired with a manual transfer switch, which allows hardwired equipment such as well pumps to be supplied with power when the utility goes out.

Others have standby systems, that start automatically when utility power fails, and shut themselves down when it returns. These systems can handle any load, as long as the unit is sized correctly to power the load without harm to the unit or the equipment it supplies.

You have to go out to get gasoline, sometimes diesel fuel, for a portable generator. If the filling station doesn’t have power either, their pumps won’t work. The weather is often bad as well, which is why the power went out in the first place…a summer thunderstorm, a winter ice storm, a tornado or hurricane. Standbys connected to a natural gas source don’t run out of fuel unless the gas utility does…a highly unlikely occurrence. Those connected to propane tanks need only monitor the tank gauges to be sure they have sufficient supply in case the weather turns suddenly fierce.

In an extended outage, all “species” of backup power units need maintenance to stay healthy and continue to run. We recommend that customers shut them down every 24 hours or so, for half an hour or thereabouts, to check the oil, give the generator a rest, allow it to cool down a bit, and add oil if needed since most of them will shut themselves down on a low-oil fault if they get too starved for it. All engines need lubrication to run without damage.

Please check your manufacturer’s specifications for the type of oil needed. If you use the wrong kind, it won’t necessarily harm the generator, but it very well could hamper its efficient operation.

Every owner of a backup power system needs to be aware that there is a specific order of tasks for a safe shutdown and restart of any backup power unit. Neither shutdown nor restart should happen under load, for important safety reasons. When you shut down a generator, whether portable or standby, please follow these steps:

  • Turn off breakers and/or unplug extension cords that supply protected loads;
  • Shut down unit via control panel switch, ignition kill switch, etc.;
  • Check oil, add to “full” mark on dipstick if necessary, refuel portable units WITH IGNITION TURNED OFF AND AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO COOL;
  • Note any other problems or questions for immediate or future attention;
  • Restart unit with loads still off;
  • When engine reaches full speed, usually within 15-30 seconds at most, reconnect extension cords and/or turn breakers back on.

Don’t forget regular maintenance. Just like your car or your body, your backup power source will run far better and tend to break down less often with scheduled checkups. We offer maintenance contracts on Generac products, since we are part of the manufacturer’s servicing dealer network, and will also work on other brands although our ability to obtain direct technical support and parts may be limited.

Happy powering! Isn’t it far better to have a backup system and not need it very often, than to not have one and wish you did when a storm upsets everyone’s applecart for miles around?

(Please note that we cannot be responsible for anyone’s use of information contained in this column or events resulting from same. Readers can feel free to contact us for specific advice or service.)